You can hear a hundred times how extraordinary and magical nature is but seeing it is worth a thousand words. Every unique creature can bewitch and astonish anybody who sees them. You can consider yourself lucky if you have managed to take a shot of those animals. Meanwhile, the most avid photographers turn their discoveries (for instance, lobsters) of rare animals into an annual competition.
Here are 21 photos from our compilation will be liked even by the most indifferent among us.
1) A rare albino elephant

2) They should have named her Oreo

3) A black jaguar from a Slovakian zoo
Klaudia (@malkiaq) on
4) Rainbow lobster
Robinson Russell (@robinsonfrankrussell) on
5) Lilac-breasted roller — small but bright!
Praveen Siddannavar (@praveensiddannavar) on
6) Miko the fox is a rose champagne color
miko.the.fox on
7) “At first, I thought I caught a piece of glass.”
Billion Social (@billionsocial) on
8) This beautiful piebald fawn looks as if it is wearing a masquerade mask.
Northeast Hunting (@northeastern_hunting) on
9) This caterpillar looks like a small copy of a Chinese dragon.
Natureisfuckinglit (@_natureisfuckinglit) on
10) This floating blackberry is called an oranda, and it is related to goldfish.
GOLDFISH UNION CR (@goldfishunioncr) on
11) A spotless giraffe
Lovejoy Kisali (@lovejoy_kisali) on
12) This marine iguana looks as if it is participating in the shooting of the sequel to Mad Max.

13) Maybe you have heard about the Secretary Bird before, but you've hardly ever seen its eyelashes.
Natureisfuckinglit (@_natureisfuckinglit) on
14) Sometimes Harpy Eagles have a very human face.
Leon Moore (@leonmoore6353) on
15) Do you believe this exists on the planet?
Natureisfuckinglit (@_natureisfuckinglit) on
16) The pink grasshopper is real too.
Natureisfuckinglit (@_natureisfuckinglit) on
17) This Striped Hyena looks like a punk rocker!
Natureisfuckinglit (@_natureisfuckinglit) on
18) Scientists call them Red-Eyed Crocodile Skinks, but we still think they're mini pet dragons.
Natureisfuckinglit (@_natureisfuckinglit) on
19) This Blue Sea Slug’s name is elegance.
Natureisfuckinglit (@_natureisfuckinglit) on
20) We suspect that there might have been panthers in this pit bull’s family tree.

21) This Armadillo Lizard looks like a modified Mozilla Firefox logo.

Preview photo credit BlackChoppyDown / imgur, olygarchyoligarchy / Reddit