Beauty does not have a strict definition. Sure, we need to love ourselves, our bodies, and think of ourselves as of beautiful people. Nevertheless, we can also appreciate the gorgeous features of other highly attractive people. These few are so good-looking, they have become a testament to the beauty of the human body, and they come from all continents, in all different sizes and ages.
Take a look below: the people you’re about to see have won the DNA lottery.
Thylane Blondeau, the young model who posed for Vogue at ten years old

Sharbat Gula is the Afghan girl that captivated the world with her eyes.

© Xinhua / Photoshot / REPORTER
Negin Ghalavand is a 17-year-old Persian who looks like a Persian goddess
NEGIN (@neginvaand) on
Isha Blaaker, of course, he’s a model!
Isha Blaaker (@ishablaaker) on
This portrait is of a girl from the Black H’mong tribe in northern Vietnam. That’s a deep gaze.
David Lazar (@davidlazarphoto) on
Omar Borkan is a poet who was forced to leave Saudi Arabia for being too handsome.
Omar Borkan عمر بركان (@omarborkan) on
This girl from Lamu, Kenya looks like she was taken out of an ethereal painting.
Eric Lafforgue (@ericlafforgue) on
A woman from Mahabalipuram, India

Ava Marie & Leah Rose are girl models that are described as the most beautiful twins in the world.
Ava Marie & Leah Rose (@clementstwins) on
Dominic Sherwood is the guy from Taylor Swift’s “Style” video. He has heterochromia, two different eye colors, one blue and the other blue and brown.
Dom Sherwood (@domsherwood) on
This child from Oman won the genes lottery.
Eric Lafforgue (@ericlafforgue) on
This is Scott Eastwood, Clint Eastwood’s son. Good job, Clint.
Scott Eastwood (@scotteastwood) on
Cindy Kimberly is the girl on Instagram who Justin Bieber had such an intense crush on, he asked his fans who she was.
Cindy Kimberly (@wolfiecindy) on
Khoudia Diop, her skin color is so deep she is called the Melanin Goddess.
A post shared by Khoudia Diop (@melaniin.goddess) on
This man from the Himba tribe in Namibia looks like a superhero.
Eric Lafforgue (@ericlafforgue) on
Megan and Morgan Boyd are twins that became an Instagram sensation after their mother uploaded photos of them. They now have ongoing modeling contracts.
Trueblue3 💙💙💙 (@stephboyd24) on
Melody Mikél was bullied for her freckles, and now they help get her modeling jobs.
Melody Mikél (@melmikel) on
Ekaterina Mironenko is a young journalist who is so gorgeous, she’s become famous on Instagram.
Ekaterina Mironenko (@katyamiro) on
Yazemeenah Rossi, we can’t believe she is almost 60 in this picture!
yazemeenah on
Aiyana A. Lewis, suddenly I think I need a makeover...
Angelo (@zavierdeangelo) on
Tsunaina was a mystery until the internet figured out who she was: A Tibetan model.
tsunaina on
Audreyana Michelle. We bet you want those lips. Use your lip liner girls!
Audreyana Michelle (@audreyanamichelle) on
Franco Noriega is famous for cooking without a shirt. Please make us a sandwich.
Franco Noriega | Chef | Model (@franconorhal) on
Preview photo credit stephboyd24 / Instagram