Most of us have tender memories of the time we spent with our grandparents. They were always near us to share their wisdom and to give us hugs and kisses. Looking back from a distance of lots of years, they always had plenty of wonderful stories about life. Those days will never fade away. It's so good to know that grandparents reap a great benefit from their interactions with kids too.
According to a study, grandparents who take care of their grandchildren have a 37 percent lower mortality risk than adults of the same age without any caregiving responsibilities.
During this study, researchers tracked the health outcomes from over 500 people aged 70 and up who took part in the Berlin Aging Study. The participants were interviewed and tested every two years from 1990 to 2009.
The results showed that around 50 percent of those who babysat were still alive ten years after the first interview and testing. In contrast, 50 percent of those who did not provide any care or help died within five years of the initial meeting.
“This research shows the positive link between caregiving and a longer lifespan in older people however we can only speculate as to why,” Dr. David Coall, one of the scientists, said. The possible reason could be deeply rooted in our past. In the past "help with childcare was crucial for the survival of the human species."
Grandkids also benefit from time spent with their grandparents. Research conducted by the University of Oxford shows that grandparents play an essential role in their grandchildren's well-being. Moreover, children with a high level of grandparental involvement had fewer emotional and behavioral problems.
It appears that time spent together is beneficial to both grandparents and grandkids. But it's important to mention that grandparents should truly want to be involved. Otherwise, it may stress them out.