Losing weight isn't an easy journey as you have to work out hard, cut unhealthy (but also delicious) food out of your life, and remain motivated at the same time. We can all benefit from a guide that will wholeheartedly share their ideas with us, to make us healthier versions of ourselves. However, the decision to share your pain and fight this battle with you is what makes or breaks a trainer. And this is precisely what Adonis Hill did to inspire his client to slim down.
The story began with the TV Show Fit To Fat To Fit, where personal trainers try to better empathize with their clients’ struggles by gaining weight and challenging themselves. When Adonis Hill was asked if he'd gain 70 lbs for somebody else, his answer was firm, “If it means saving their life, heavens yes!”
Adonis "No Excuses" Hill (@bodybyadonis) on
Adonis "No Excuses" Hill (@bodybyadonis) on

His client called Alissa had been overweight her whole life. When she started this project, her weight was 308 lbs. Adonis had to gain over 70 pounds in four months to match his partner. To do so, he began eating tons of junk food, drank soda, and quit exercising.
Adonis "No Excuses" Hill (@bodybyadonis) on
His dedication caused several health issues. Doctors had to stop his weight gaining process a month earlier than they had planned as Adonis was diagnosed with hypertension and prediabetes. The good news is that he's no longer on medication since he returned his weight to normal. Yet he has no regrets and compares the risk he took with “a fireman going into a burning building and rescuing someone trapped by a fire.”
When the first goal was hit, the second part of the journey began. Alissa and her selfless trainer worked together to get the bodies of their dreams. They ran, lifted weights, followed a strict diet, and supported one another through those difficult times. It was a true challenge since they had to fight not only lazy behavior, but also old addictions to unhealthy food and judgments from others, that have the power to ruin any aspirations.
Adonis "No Excuses" Hill (@bodybyadonis) on
After some months both of them achieved brilliant results. Alissa managed to lose 57 lbs in four months while Adonis reported that his weight was about 227 lbs (103 kg). This means that the venture was worth the effort.
From his personal experience, Adonis Hill showed that people could achieve anything if they're motivated enough. He concluded that it was all about empathy, as well as the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. With this extraordinary experiment, the trainer hopes to raise awareness about obesity risks. “If we continued down that unhealthy road, the cemetery is where we would’ve ultimately ended up.”
Reference: Brightside