Some years back, when social media used to be in its infancy and all were imagining its potential to change the world, we thought of all the ways it would help to bring us together. Instant and easy communication with people from all over the globe would inevitably break down the artificial borders between us, and lead to broader cultural exchange, mutual understanding and shared humanity that could help us to solve the more significant global problems that affect everyone.
Sadly, it has not quite worked out that way. There are of course several great examples of social media being a force for the common good, but ultimately we're a tribal species, and we seem to prefer segregating ourselves into smaller and more niche groups in the virtual and the physical world too.

So what happens then? Our tribal loyalties become entrenched, and, therefore, we feel increasingly empowered by our ‘in’ group. Rather than reaching out to share and learn from others, we shout at one another from behind the safety of our computer screens and spread fake news that only supports our narrow political aims. You just have to look at the polarized societies of the U.S and the UK to see the evidence of this.

Now, anyone that regularly reads through comments sections will know this could be a recipe for disaster. Yet, not this time! Humor is a universal ice-breaker, and these people below are funny, respectful and good-natured, showing the rest of us how to approach topics of race and cultural difference constructively.

Rather than quickly descending into a shitshow of abuse and insults, as that kind of thread often does, there are lots of laughs as people can poke fun at themselves, acknowledge historical injustices and learn a lot about one another at the same time. We need more of that!

Unfortunately, Afrocentric Films Collaborative, that promotes positive African Diaspora pictures, news, cinema, music, and fashion, has received several negative reactions to sharing the post. “That post was created by us a year ago, and we decided to share it a few days ago with no intentions of it taking off,” they explained. “We were curious and wanted to get a great and honest dialogue between Black people (people of color) and white people.”

“Unfortunately, since that post, we have received an influx of white racism and ignorance on other posts. We want to create dialogue, but not at the expense of our peace of mind or giving up our authentic voice to Black people, and to all people love and respect. We have contemplated removing that post if people don’t understand that we created it to create a bridge, and not to invite hateful people.”

“Sadly, with the good comes the bad. We have always had socially aware white fans, and they know how we get down. We have been targeted by another group that has not been seasoned and have little clue, but everything happens for a reason, and hopefully, through scrolling through our post, they will perhaps learn something.”

A sad ending; yet, as they suggest, there's much to learn from this wholesome thread. Scroll down to check it for yourself:

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