Zoo Miami
For the first time in recorded history, a rare species of rhino has been born by artificial insemination. Its birth, which took place at the Miami Zoo, is the first-ever such successful case of this particular species being born through induced ovulation and artificial insemination.
The one-horned Indian rhinoceros, whose gender is still unknown, was born on April 23rd, 2019 and is still in good health—as is Akuti, the baby’s mom.
The Miami Zoo wildlife expert Ron Magill stated:
“The newborn is healthy and doing well, but more detailed information will not become available until the veterinary team is able to do a neonatal exam … This will be performed when the staff feels that it can safely separate the infant from its very protective mother.”
The species is rare due to constant poaching for its horn as well as the fact that the gestation period for Indian rhinos is from 15 to 16 months. Mothers usually give birth to a single calf every two-three years.
Yesterday, after an over 15 month pregnancy, “Akuti,” a 7 year old Greater One Horned Indian Rhinoceros, gave birth at approximately 12:30am! This is only the second successful birth of this very rare species in the zoo’s history.
— Zoo Miami (@zoomiami) April 24, 2019
Video: Ron @RonMagill pic.twitter.com/jc833YgzvU
Seven-year-old Akuti—it means “princess” in Hindi—and the 18-year-old father, Suru, were both born at San Diego’s Zoo Safari Park. Suru arrived at Zoo Miami in 2003, yet Aktui arrived in 2016. After some unsuccessful natural breeding attempts, a team of expert from the South East Zoo Alliance for Reproduction and Conservation (SEZARC) together with Cincinnati Zoo reproductive physiologist Monica Stoops, started the process of artificially inseminating Akuti last January. She was also frequently subject to ultrasound examinations with constant care and observation.
SEZARC also works with a number of zoos and aquariums across the US to help restore the populations of rare species through reproductive science tried to inseminate a white rhino at Jacksonville Zoo artificially in 2018. The attempt was unsuccessful.
Magill noted that Akuti’s birth was the second successful birth of this endangered species in the history of Zoo Miami. As such, the staff is still on-guard in case of any possible complications.
After a few weeks of care and settling in, the family will be back on public display. Magill is sure that around the world, experts will find cause for celebration once the baby passes through the stage of immediate infancy.