Everyone loves puppies, whether they're playing, posing for pictures, or just sleeping. Shih Tzu puppy, Paningning, is one among the latest cute canines to steal the heart of the internet, not for her teddy bear face - but her hilarious sleeping positions.
Owner Janess Cua uploaded pictures of Paningning to the Facebook group Dog Lovers Philippines, that showed the puppy sleeping on her back in a human-like position, with her belly exposed. The images quickly spread across platforms, and now Paningning is a viral sensation with 55.5k followers on her official Instagram page. Although many of her pictures feature the dog sleeping, her owner said that Paningning is very playful and likes running around with her siblings.
Paningning is the youngest of a litter born to Cua's dog Baobei. Now three months old she's the only tri-colored of her siblings. Originally her owners named her ‘Maningning’, that translated to bright in Filipino, because of her distinct coloring. However, her daughter wanted her name to begin with ‘P’ so it became Paningning.
Paningning's successful Instagram account was created by one of her fans, The account features more than just sleeping pictures, and her popularity has evolved into Paningning merch.
Scroll down below to check out some pics of this sleepy pup.
Image credits: The Real Paningning