Gerd Gigerenzer, a psychologist at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, says that true intuitiveness means to have the instinct to understand what knowledge we have to focus on as well as what we can afford to forget.
In his work ‘Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconscious’, Gigerenzer explains how rationality and intuition can go hand in hand by using himself as an example. While immersed in his research, he frequently gets a hunch which he usually takes forward because he knows that it will give him the answer. But he also double-checks using scientific formulae to figure out the reasons behind his hunches. However, when it comes to personal matters, he goes solely by what his intuition tells him.
So where does intuition stand? It has not been formally recognized as intelligence. What does this mean for a person that has a sharper intuition than most?
Intuition is a form of intelligence, yet it needs to go along with other facts. Those that already possess intellectual curiosity and are willing to work hard to learn more are totally intelligent. You cannot just sit around and wait for knowledge to strike you. It’s necessary to have the drive to explore a topic and look at every aspect. When your intuition gives you a hunch then, that’s a form of intelligence and a significant one at this.
One way to understand intuition is to look at it as having a grasp on collective intelligence. According to Truth Theory, if we look at the way the world wide web is put together, the organization of sites depends on intuition so users can have a better understanding of their working and can easily find their way around. It took years to develop that concept of removing unnecessary information to be understood. The internet used to be quite chaotic earlier.
As reported by Theo Humphries, for a design to be true based on intuition, it has to be capable of being understood even when there are no tutorials. Users have to be able to get a sense of it because it has to be part of the collective intelligence that we all share.
When intuition and discipline go hand in hand, unusual results can be achieved. The basics of any subject have to be learned, logic has to be sought after, and your intelligence has to be exercised for your intuition to be truly powerful. The more you study, the sharper your intuition will be. You cannot just laze around and then be offended when others are not trusting of your gut instincts because they are then just a shot in the dark.
The majority of us would have heard of Einstein’s theory on intuition; he believed intuition was a gift and rationality a servant. Society usually praises the servant but forgets that the gift exists. Sometimes your rationality can lead you down the wrong path so you will need your intuition to bring you back on track. If you feel like something is wrong, it’s your intuitive mind warning you that you need to think differently.
Intelligent people pay attention to these warnings. The best among us use that gut instinct to take significant risks, and they are the ones who are really successful. Disciplining your intuition is the key.