A bear cub was feeding on trail mix and interacting with humans for long enough to forget its own species’ abhorrence towards other wildlife. That was why it had to be euthanized, and also to warn humans of feeding wildlife for their pleasure. The black bear cub was from Oregon.
The Sheriff’s office at Washington County had received many complaints of sightings of a bear cub, coupled with photos on social media which showed humans taking ‘selfies’ with the cub.
They then decided to investigate and set a trap.
After they eventually caught the cub, the authorities had initially wanted to let it out in the wild, away from human settlement. However, seeing how comfortable it was around humans, they saw no choice but euthanizing it.
This is entirely correlative to what biologist Kurt Lloyd Licence mentioned in his statement, that implored people not to feed the animals. Even if their intentions were noble, it'd do more harm than good.
Deputies are working to get this bear cub near Hagg Lake to go back into the woods... please stay away from the area near Boat Ramp A. pic.twitter.com/tI8m5yTbyk
— WCSO Oregon (@WCSOOregon) June 13, 2019
According to the law of Oregon state, it' prohibited to lure wildlife by scattering food. Not only could it make them sick, but it'd also lead them to get increasingly comfortable around humans. This would be a problem when the cub becomes an adult and is entirely encompassed by its animal instincts. All of that was informed by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Although there was outrage at the news that the animal would be euthanized, most people understood that it wasn't in their hands anymore, and drastic measures had to be taken.
Most were furious at the people scattering the food.
A regular to the Hagg Lake, local resident Jennifer Harrison vented to the Local News that the actions of some humans led to the death of the cub. They believed their efforts to be noble and well-intended, but they led to the loss of innocent life.
And that wasn't okay.
Forest rangers think that the bear cub was three years old.