With all the unconditional love dogs shower us with, they’re no doubt the best creatures on Earth. The least that we can do is reassure them, we value their efforts. And we do. Apparently, more than half of dog owners in the U.S. kiss their pets more than their partners, a new study says.
The research was conducted by Riley’s Organics, according to PEOPLE.com. They wanted to find out how close dog owners are to their beloved pets. After asking people all over the United States how much TLC (tender loving care) they give their furry best friends, the organic dog treat company was actually happy to hear that it was quite a lot.
If those numbers surprise you, Riley’s Organics has an explanation which puts everything into perspective. One of the most thrilling responses came from a question about what do humans think of the bond they share with their dogs. An overwhelming 94 percent of pet owners said that they consider their dog as one of their best friends.
No wonder why we show dogs so much affection. We’re simply letting our best buds know they’re special.
More info: rileysorganics.com

Marija Bernatonytė

Inga Korolkovaitė

Viktorija Gabulaitė

Here is what people said about the results: