The Odyssey, one of Homer's two great epics, narrates Odysseus' long journey home after the Trojan war. During their 10-year journey, Odysseus and his men had to overcome divine and natural forces, from battering storms and winds to challenging encounters with the Cyclops Polyphemus, the cannibalistic Laestrygones, the witch-goddess Circe and the rest. They took a most circuitous route, bouncing all across the Mediterranean, moving down to Crete and Tunisia. Next over to Sicily, then off toward Spain, and then back to Greece again.
If you are looking for an easy way to visualize all the twists and turns in The Odyssey, then we'd suggest you spend some time with the interactive map created by Gisèle Mounzer. "Odysseus' Journey" breaks down Odysseus' voyage into fourteen key scenes and locates them on a modern map designed by Esri, a company which creates GIS mapping software.
Reference: Open Culture