While there’s still a ways to go with entirely deconstructing the standards of beauty, there’ve been some big-name fashion and beauty companies which are changing their views on beauty, and are currently focusing more on realistic beauty expectations.
One such company is Benefit Cosmetics, who has chosen a woman with Down Syndrome to be not only one of the faces of their marketing campaign but also the brand as a whole.
20-year-old Kate Grant had dreamt of a career in the beauty industry her entire life. She already had a little bit of modeling experience after she received the crown during the Teen Ultimate Beauty of the World pageant in her home country. She had also made an appearance on national television during ‘This Morning’ program in 2018.
She had always aspired to be the first professional model with Down syndrome, and as it turns out, dreams come true.
Now that Kate is one of Benefit’s new faces, she’ll be in several promotional materials as well as multiple Instagram posts.
The company of Benefit Cosmetics fell in love with her and did not hesitate to sign her after discovering what a kind and beautiful woman she is. Kate is seen promoting the new line of roller eyeliner products. The company is worldwide, selling its products in more than 2,000 different stores.
Kate’s new role as the ambassador for Benefit hasn’t gone unnoticed by others. The original post on Instagram was liked thousands of times, and has accrued dozens of positive and supportive comments from others.