As an artist, the more skilled you are, the better you can present your ideas to the world. And Simon Berger has such good hands, he is creating even when he is destroying. Yes, you heard correctly. Not every art is as 'gentle' as one would think.
So, instead of painting or sculpting, Berger does something completely different: he smashes glass and makes miracles happen. Just give him a hammer and a chisel, and he’ll carve you a glass portrait just like the one below.
The trained carpenter began his artistic journey using wood but soon started experimenting with other materials too. At one point, Simon created a portrait from an upcycled calculation machine.
The artist begins a piece with a photo of a model. Then, he sketches its outlines on a panel of glass. From there, he marks the spots he does not want to break and the ones he wants to edit a little. The best glass for those projects is something that does not break immediately after being hit. Like a car’s windshield.
Simon’s meticulous work has recently had a very successful exhibition in Philipp Brogli’s gallery Artstübli in Basel, Switzerland.
More info: drsimon.ch | artstuebli.ch

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