Many products have been reinvented through technology nowadays. From smart planters to smart TVs, technological power doesn’t surprise us anymore. While many recent technological creations are dedicated to entertainment, there are many which contribute to our well being, especially to those who experience a disability of some sort.
As a means of protecting users from low-hanging objects and obstacles above chest level, the WeWalk smart cane uses ultrasonic sensors to warn people of nearby hindrances through vibrations in the handle.
This electronic walking stick will revolutionize the way blind people can navigate.
The cane can be paired with a smartphone’s Bluetooth system for easy control. As it’s also integrated with Voice Assistant and Google Maps software, it can use built-in speakers to inform people of nearby stores and infrastructural details that they might not be able to see.
The WeWalk is being sold for $500 a pop. As the Turkish tech startup is gaining more traction, the developers hope to pair it with ridesharing apps as well as transportation services in order to further improve its navigational abilities.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | wewalk.io

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