When you stay up at night and have to get up early to go to work, you know a cup of coffee is all you need to fight the drowsiness in the morning. Nevertheless, coffee in the afternoon can make you restless tense and disrupt your sleeping pattern.
And still, you have to stay alert and awake at work. A nap is the solution you need! Researchers have found out that a short nap during the day will help you boost your alertness better than long bouts of sleep.
A 2015 study discovered that naps strengthen the immune system by reversing the effects of sleep deprivation. Naps don't have any side-effects, yet are highly refreshing, and won’t interfere with your night sleep.
Nature Neuroscience published a study in which subjects were tested on their perceptual performance four times daily. Performance deteriorated with each test, and participants that took a 30-minute nap between tests stopped the deterioration in performance, and those that took a 60-minute nap even reversed it.
Sara Mednick, co-author of the study and associate professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, said naps offer the same benefits as full nights of sleep if they had a specific quality of nap, and different types of naps offer particular advantages.
However, it isn’t suitable to take a nap in front of your colleagues in the office, and it can be really uncomfortable to nap in the chair with your head on the desk.
So a Greek designer, Nancy Leivaditou, of Studio NL, discovered an ingenious solution- a multipurpose desk which can morph into a bed on activation. It’s two meters long and 0.8 meters wide and is named 1.6 S.M. of Life Desk.
According to Healthy Food House, its upper layer is a sturdy piece of lacquered wood, with a mattress hinged up on one side. The two sides, which would accommodate the head and feet, are boarded up by plywood that can be reclined. You need to slide the top board backward from the sitting position, then push back the mattress, and you’re ready for a nap!
It has a built-in TV in case you need a small break without taking a nap. It’s also excellent for the home space, but it is expected to be available for retail soon. Yet, make sure you always set the alarm before turning in, as it’s so comfortable that you can continue sleeping longer than planned!