There is nothing more devastating or heartbreaking than losing a parent. It is harder if it's your mother because you count on her for everything, and when she isn't there, you realize how hard life can be, and wonder how she made it all look easy. It leaves you wondering whether life will ever be the same again. Nevertheless, one little girl was lucky enough to find the familiarity of a mother's touch from somebody unexpected. 11-year-old Isabella Pieri lost her mom when she was only nine years old to a rare illness, but in a feat that can just be described as pure strength, she picked herself up and began her journey of independence.
She managed to get a lot done, yet the only thing the 11-year-old could not do was to braid her own hair. She tried to seek help from her dad, but it did not help much as her father Phillip, 47 years old, was working intense hours at a convenience store in American Fork, Utah, and found it hard to manage her hair. For his part, he tried.
Hero Bus Driver Braids Girl's Hair Every Morning After Her Mom Dies https://t.co/M4SvnH159E pic.twitter.com/4rNq4kQRqI
— SammichesPsychMeds (@SamPsychMeds) April 9, 2018
To make it easier for both, he got her a crew cut for the time being. "I originally just gave her a crew cut because I didn’t know how, and it was all tangled and I couldn't get it out for anything," he said in a TV interview with KSL TV. Soon after, when the girl's hair grew back, she started to tie her hair in a ponytail. And then... something changed, and it is safe to say it was for the better.
Such a BEAUTIFUL story of compassion and kindness! What a world it would be if everyone showed such ❤ to one another!
— Kristy Woods (@mzkristywoods71) April 21, 2018
Tracy Dean's simple kindness can make a world of difference. Thank goodness for people like her.
— Diana (◠‿◠✿) (@AuggiesGirl) April 21, 2018
Tracy Dean, you are the example of an incredible human being. I lost my only sister to cancer at the age of 43 (just under four years ago). She left two children so this story resonated with me. Never stop doing what you do and being who you are.
— Christopher Schiller (@ckschiller) April 22, 2018
After losing her mother at nine years old, Isabella Pieri learned to get ready on her own, but had a hard time with her hair— bus driver Tracy Dean’s simple act of kindness gave Pieri new confidence. @LesterHoltNBC has the story. pic.twitter.com/FhuUwuYsHs
— NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt (@NBCNightlyNews) April 21, 2018