An orange tabby called Vituzzo Superstar showed the incredible resilience animals have—even in the worst situations. In December 2018, the cat was accidentally run over by a car. While he was immediately taken to the hospital and operated on, the veterinarians couldn't save his hind legs. During that time, Vituzzo's humans were on their honeymoon and, therefore, unable to comfort the poor cat.
December 2019, however, was a different story for Vituzzo and his parents. Although it was a hard year, the brave cat was fitted for prostheses and began to use his sleek, robotic legs to move around like several other four-legged friends of his. There were, though, some immediate differences.
Nevertheless, with the love and support of his mothers and the people close to him, Vituzzo proved that nothing can hold him back from living his best life.
Scroll down to see the adorable cat in action and follow him on Instagram to see how he adjusts to life as a bionic cat.
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Vituzzo superstar (@vituzzosuperstar) on
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Vituzzo superstar (@vituzzosuperstar) on
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