There are sweet, romantic proposals, and then there is this one.
Lee Loechler proposed to his girlfriend, Sthuthi David, by taking her to a theater to watch her favorite movie, Sleeping Beauty. She had no idea that her boyfriend had spent six months altering the animation of the movie's most iconic scene, making the characters look like the couple themselves and changing the storyline to set up his Big Question. And that was only the beginning.
Watching Sthuthi's face during the scene change is a sheer delight, as her confused look shows that she has no clue what's about to happen. The set-up is amazing, but the magical moment is when Lee's illustrated self tosses the engagement ring to his real-life self.
The entire proposal—the re-illustrations, the heart jokes (Stuthi is a cardiologist), and the bride-to-be's surprise, it's all perfection. Just watch: