If you are an honest as well as an open person, you might think that sharing personal stuff with others is a very good way to make friends. Well, yes and no.
Of course, being social and open is a great way to form stronger bonds with people, as it enables you to build a strong connection.
After all, what is life if we can't share our thoughts, dreams, and problems, right?
Still, there are certain things you should never - ever! - share with people who are not your family. And by family, I don't necessarily mean your parents, spouse, or kids, but the people you consider to be your family.
Here are seven things you shouldn't share with others:
1) Your relationship problems
Ok, it's normal to need to discuss the problems you have with your partner with friends, as you can't discuss everything with them. It might be from everyday relationship issues to more serious ones. But you can't discuss everything with everyone. After all, these secrets are also your partner's secrets. You need to solve them with him/her, and you don't know the whole world to know about them. People talk, you know.
2) Your important plans
Studies have proven that publically announcing your goals can actually make you less likely to achieve them. Experiencing the happiness of letting others know your plans damages your motivation to accomplish them later. Combine that with the judgment and expectations of others, and you have the perfect recipe for failure. You shouldn't allow this unnecessary stress into your life.
3) Your personal life
Letting others in on the secrets of your private life will ultimately work against you. It's truly hard to meet an honest, trustworthy person nowadays. Why would you share sensitive information with strangers? Keep it to yourself. What people don't know they cannot ruin.
4) Family issues
We all have family troubles. However, our families also have their own way of functioning. No matter if it is a love-hate relationship or something of a different nature, those are all private matters. You don't need to involve others in your family business.
5) Your material possessions
Showing off with your material belongings can easily be misread by others. You'll never know how others might interpret your bragging. Some people would put their life on the line to have what you have. Some do not even have access to clean water, while others can barely afford to eat.
6) Your good deeds
Our society is in desperate need of kindness. However, it's wrong to only be nice when others are watching. If you want to help others, do it for its own sake, not to get a pat on the back.
7) Your money
Talking about your finances is definitely not a wise move. Your salary shouldn't be known to other people. Asking how much somebody earns shows a lack of manners and respect, and it is definitely an idiotic move to talk about it. Your finances are nobody's business but yours.
Keep in mind that there are people who would be more than happy to contribute to your downfall.