The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting 163 countries and territories around the world. Italy is the most affected European country counting 31,506 cases today and, 2,503 deaths.
US, England, France, Spain, and Germany are, in comparison with Italy, 9 to 10 days delayed in the blast of SARS-CoV-2.
In our favor, the video channel called "A THING BY" requested Italians to film a message they wish had heard 10 days ago.
Let's take careful note of what they have to say.
As the coronavirus is spreading every day to more countries, we can consider ourselves lucky that the Italians gifted to us this video, while in their darkest hour. Take the example of them; they are trying to do everything they can to protect us, people that they don't know, and, most probably, people that they won't meet. If they are willing to help strangers with the power of their voices, we must help ourselves and our beloved ones to remain healthy.