It is wonderful to love someone, and it is good not only to tell them but also to show it to them! After all, love is one of the little things one couple shares daily… You don't have to say "I love you" to express how you feel! You can show it to them every day in various ways.
See what you can do to express your love without talking!
1. Small compliments
Say something nice to them when you feel it, for no reason, make them smile. Compliment their looks, their cooking, whatever! You will make them feel your love and smile!
2. Hold their hand
Just grab their hand, no action says better "I'm here for you." You don't need a reason to hold hands; it's a tender act that expresses your love and your need to touch them better than words.
3. Cook their favorite meal
You don't have to wait for a special occasion to cook for those you love. Surprise when they don't expect it.
4. Hugs, hugs, hugs
Many times we become distant, even with the most important people in our lives, and we can very simply show them everything we feel by embracing them.
5. Say "thank you."
It's a simple way to express your love, your appreciation. All of us want to feel appreciated to see that our loved ones acknowledge our efforts.
6. Support them
All people make mistakes, so it's important to stand by your loved ones in their difficult times. Avoid saying the classic "I told you so," even if you had warned them. Instead, show your support by saying that we are learning from our mistakes.
7. Reach out first
Call them, or send a message just to say hello, to send a joke, to tell something that happened, to ask them how they're doing.
8. Take care of them
Spoil them a bit. They don't have to need you to be sick or something. You can make sure that their clothes are clean, prepare their lunchbox for work, simple actions make a big difference.
9. Say "be careful."
These two words have inside them all the "I love you" of the world. By saying "be careful" to someone, you show to them that they are important to you, and you need them safe.
10. Make time
Modern life has a hectic pace; it's true. But, no matter how busy you are, you should always find time for those you love. After all, we should never forget that when a moment it's gone, it never comes back.