Work takes up a particularly large chunk of our time. It is estimated that the average person will spend approximately 30% of her life working. Career development, as well as a change in our career route as exciting as it may seem, it also carries a certain risk. But sometimes the risk is too high to take and thus many times we have to compromise.
Sometimes even if we hate the subject of our work, we have to bear with it until we have found something better. Other times we might love the nature of our work but find it difficult to cooperate with certain co-workers. And, of course, there are times where we might feel mistreated and undermined by our supervisors. It is also very common that we choose to stay in a job because of its appealing pay despite the toxic aspects of the work environment.
Despite what the reasons that make your work unpleasant may be, we have found three ways in which you can make it more tolerable and buy yourself some time.
Leave work at work.
The first thing you can do to cope with a toxic work environment is to draw a line between your work-life and your personal life.
Whatever it is that is bothering you in your work environment. It is essential to learn how to separate yourself from the negative feelings and thoughts and leave them outside your home. We work to live and not vice versa, and thus we must be able to distance ourselves from work once our shift is over. Enjoying our private lives with ourselves and loved ones provides us with the strength we need to resolve whatever difficulties might occur at work the next day.
Take regular breaks.
Many people skimp on taking regular breaks during their work shifts to get more done. However, this turns out to be counter-productive. Research has shown that the brain requires even a small break as often as every 45 minutes of continuous concentration. After this time, the mind tends to get exhausted and cannot perform to its maximal capacity to absorb information, for example, or to problem-solve. So, even a quick break o refill your bottle with water can benefit you in being more productive for the next 45 minutes.
Create a positive framework.
A work environment often feels toxic because of the negativity we get from other people. If you find yourself surrounded by co-workers who continuously complain, gossip, and have nothing positive say, nothing that will help you relieve your stress but instead make it worsen, it is wiser to keep your distance. Surround yourself with people who make you feel supported and heard. Try to socialize with the ones that are the quietest and modest among the group, the ones you feel most comfortable around. Exchange opinions, offer and receive advice, share your worries. Creating a healthy circle of people around you in a toxic workplace can shield you against unnecessary negativity and help you focus on the task at hand. But even if this is not possible, you can help yourself by writing motivational notes on your work station while detaching yourself from toxic co-workers or possibly toxic customers. Try to concentrate on your own work, and set a timeline of milestones to achieve in reaching your personal goal. Be creative. Brainstorm. Instead of consuming yourself in a world of toxicity, you can escape that world and enter a world of ideas.