Marriage Vs Divorce
With the wedding, two people celebrate their love and declare their will to spend their life together in front of their beloved ones. But a marriage is more than that. A wedding lasts for a day, marriage is supposed to last for a lifetime. It's the magnificent journey of two people sharing a life together, no matter how hard it can get.
Yet, in our age, quite a few marriages don't last and end up in divorce.
Although divorces lately are quite common, they are still a taboo issue for a lot of people. No matter how hard it can be to regret a life-changing decision and admit that you were wrong, a divorce can be an exceptional choice. After all, you can't condemn yourself for life to be in a cheerless marriage.
Here are some reasons why.
1. Opportunity to find your one true love
Let's first agree on that, when you're married you don't think it's normal to cheat. Yes, it can happen, but you don't take it for granted.
But being married to the wrong person means that somewhere out there it's the right one, waiting for you and you're missing this opportunity. Sometimes, it's hard to let go, after all, you vowed to stick together for better or for worse, but sometimes the damage can't be fixed. A divorce can close a door, but as it happens always in life, every door that closes opens another. That means that by setting yourself free you are one step closer in finding The one, who is still out there.
2. Time to take care of yourself.
When was the last time you had actually time and energy to focus on you and only you? In an unhappy marriage, people tend to leave behind their own needs, hide their pain and try to constantly put a happy face on for the sake of their partner. This creates extreme pressure and stress, damaging their own mental health.
Furthermore, an unhealthy marriage and lead to social distancing from your friends and family. That's why, by letting go and finding the strength to move forward alone not only saves your mental health but revives your social life too.
3. You will invest in yourself and how you look.
Sad but true the vast majority of married people neglect themselves. It's the prize you have to pay after all these years of intimacy and feeling comfortable with each other. During marriage couples gradually neglect their looks, after the divorce you care more about your appearance. You save time for your beauty routine which enhance your confidence and make you love yourself again.
4. Freedom.
Freddie Mercury had sung it for all of us "FREEDOM"!
Finding the strength and the courage to set yourself free from a harmful relationship can be truly emancipating. It's true you are losing your partner, the person that you once believed that you will spend your life with, on the other hand, you are taking back the person you have to spend your life with, YOU!
Divorce is a sad decision but saves you from a sad life. Your value, freedom, and happiness can't be controlled from someone else.
5. It's good for the children too.
An unhappy marriage creates a toxic environment that' not good at all for children. Couples often claim that they stay together for the sake of their children, to avoid putting them in an unpleasant process. The truth is that in order to have happy kids, you need to have happy parents. A divorce is certainly an unpleasant situation, but, saves your children from witnessing the awful fights of two people that can't no longer be together.