Are you tired of having things to say and nobody paying attention, or do you say things you think are worthwhile put nobody seems to care? It can be very frustrating and a particularly common occurrence for those of us who are more introverted. These simple tips can help your voice be heard!
Increase eye contact with the people you are speaking to
When you are talking to someone, make sure you maintain a decent amount of eye contact. Eye contact will focus people’s minds on you and what you are saying. Eye contact shows you are sincere and have something important to say. Don’t go overboard, though. You don’t want people feeling uncomfortable or intimidated, and remember to keep giving eye contact to people when they are speaking to you. It is off-putting and can even appear rude, even if you don’t intend it to be if someone is talking, and you seem to be distracted by something else or not interested in what they are saying.
Increase your confidence level
Think about how you are putting across what you say. If you are putting it across meekly or hesitantly, then people will have less confidence in the content of your words and are more likely to not listen or ignore the importance of what you are saying. So when talking, speak clearly, assume a confident body language, shoulders back and head up, and speak at a medium speed. Just don’t take it too far or you will look like you are either arrogant or a know-it-all, don’t worry in 99% of cases people won’t think that at all!
Adjust volume
When speaking, while there is no need to shout, it is important to speak loudly enough so that everyone can hear. If people have to strain to hear you, then it is inevitable that they will shut off or avoid future conversations with you. You may be speaking too quietly if people are leaning in or asking you ‘what?’ or ‘excuse me?’ regularly. Remember that your volume should be environment appropriate, a quiet café needs no shouting, and a busy street needs more than a whisper.
Improve tone
Before considering tone, you have to remember who you are talking to and what you wish to communicate. A general rule though, is to speak in a happy, relaxed but sincere tone. That means that you don’t sound like you are giving orders but that you don’t come across as silly or non-serious, especially if you are talking to someone in a professional setting.
Keep other’s expectations in mind.
If people know you as the ‘quiet one’ or as the less confident one, don’t be surprised if they don’t pay attention even after you change your speaking habits. The attention they give your words will likely have become an ingrained habit. These things take time, and therefore it is important to stick with your new assertive speaking style and not resort to your old ways. Speaking in this way in a confident, clear, volume, and in a tone appropriate manner will reap great benefits in friendships, romance, and your professional life as long as you keep it up. We become how we act each day; if you act confident, you will soon be seen that way by those around you – just not overnight!