Although it is a reality of life, no one is ready to lose their mother. We need to give ourselves time to adjust and dedicate the time we need.
Death is normal nowadays, and unfortunately, it has become a daily occurrence, but that does not mean that it is something we can easily accept. Especially to accept the loss of our mother, these people who gave everything to raise us, and put us above themselves.
The void that comes into our lives after their loss; no one can fill; it is a void that you will carry forever as long as you live. Although this gap is not supplied, we can alleviate it in various ways, with photos with an old video or through the legacy left behind by these special people.
No one will ever be ready for this loss.
It is one of the most significant losses. You will always need the affection, the love of your mother. To say to you something positive, to encourage you in a difficult time, to be there for you, to hold your hand. The bond between mother and child is unique; it doesn't matter if the years go by, and the children start their own family. This bond grows with age, and our mother will always be essential in our lives.
The bond created with a loved one is not affected by time or distance.
We are social and emotional beings, and the bond we form with our mother is so strong that when the loss comes, we feel overwhelmed. First of all, when something like this happens, we feel that we are losing our support, we feel hanging, without foundation, we are losing our roots. Losing our mother at old age may make us think that she has gone through a normal life cycle, that she has enjoyed many things; she has had grandchildren and great-grandchildren. However, some people find it very difficult to accept the loss of their mother.
After all, just as our parents always see us as children, so too do. We feel that our parents are younger than they really are. What we need to keep in mind is that even if the parent we feel we are losing (or lost) is old, this does not negate the fact that we will go through the normal and expected stages of mourning and through this process, we will deal with the situation.
But the most important part is that even after our mother passes, she still can teach us valuable life lessons.
1. Nothing lasts forever.
Every time you get hurt, you get better. After darkness comes light, and this is something you must remember every day that dawns. Bad times make good times better. Nothing lasts forever—neither evil nor good.
2. She will always be a part of us.
We will always be hers, and she will always be our mom. Our mothers are still part of ourselves, and nothing can change this, not even death.
3. Some things will always be out of our control.
Seeing someone suffer is one of the worst experiences for any person. All you can do is be there, hold her hand and try to make her smile, take if you can, a little bit of the pain. But you can't do everything.
4. Life is for you to live, so live.
Life is too short, all we can do is live every moment, cherish every second that we have with our loved ones. Don't hold back anything, show your love and affection while you can and never wait for tomorrow. It's not certain.
5. For the whole world, you are a person, but for a person, you might be the whole world.
We are the whole world for our mothers. They changed their lives for us. They loved us no matter what. Your mother is the strongest person you will ever meet. She will be there for you, always and forever, even after she's gone because a mother can love so fiercely with a love that defies time and logic.