Take a look around, what do you see?
People living their ordinary, everyday lives without realizing how blessed they are just for being alive. People complaining, attacking each other, walking over dead bodies to achieve their goals without any hesitation. Without realizing that life is short. People being bitter to each other and not even think how liberating it is to leave your anger behind. How much better our world can be without all this anger.
We tend to live our lives as prisoners. We let our rage, frustration, jealousy, bitterness trap us into an endless cycle of suffering.
We stopped appreciating little things in life, we take almost everything for granted. We think that everything that's here today, it will be here tomorrow.
Every day we wake up, not realizing that the most important is the fact that we woke up. We continue like this, we get up, we walk, we eat, we live our day, we sleep again, and we appreciate none of all these.
We do all these ordinary things that if we take a moment to think about it, they are extraordinary, and we need to be grateful for them. There is no need to lose something to understand its value.
We take everything for granted, and we become miserable, we are unable to enjoy anything.
Stop taking life for granted! Enjoy it! Appreciate all the little things.
Do it, and then you'll come to "think to yourself what a wonderful world".
1. Remember that everything comes to an end.
Life is too short. All the certain things in life, like your job, your house, your people, are not certain at all. They don't last forever. Take advantage of each moment, and don't leave anything for later. Cherish every moment before it becomes a memory, time flies, and everything is taken from us before we realize it.
2. Enjoy even the little things
Our friends, our family, everyone else, they don't owe us. Nobody is obliged to respect and love us because we want or do so. You love someone because that's what you feel. The people who sacrifice everything for you do so because they genuinely care. Acknowledge them and everything they do for you.
3. Express yourself
Your feelings are important! You should express them, don't be afraid to show your true colors, and, most important, don't let anyone convince you not to be true to yourself. Sentiments are not meant to be hidden. Step forward and show to everyone that matters for you, your love. Don't go for the "big gesture," the simplest things can mean so much.
4. Cherish every minute
It's a wonderful world, indeed the world we are living in. The sun shines, the earth gives birth to life every day, and the drops of rain help it grow. Everything happens now. Everything is now, this moment that it's gone before you blink your eyes.
Nothing lasts forever. Cherish every moment because once it's gone, it never comes back.
Stop waiting. We spend our lives waiting for something, we wait for summer, for the sun, for love, for the right moment. We expect and wait, but that's not life. Life is out there, time flies and doesn't wait for any one of us.