Not so many constructions in nature arouse a feeling of home quite like nests — treetop houses built with love and care by birds to raise their babies.
But this particular mom-to-be found a rather clever way of making her place even "homier."

Conservationist Bianca Caroline Soares is used to seeing hummingbird nests alighted on branches in the jungle near her house in Paraguay. But on a walk last Spring, she noticed one different than any she'd seen before.
This one had a roof.

Because of its roof and the shade provided, this hummingbird's home was the prettiest in the neighborhood — and it seemed to be a perfect place to start a family, also.

In the following weeks and months that first observation, Soares kept visiting the clever bird's nest, studying the tiny family she'd built it for.
"She had two hummingbird babies," Soares noted.
And on the warmest days, those babies surely favored from their mother's attentive decision.
Soares said she wishes the little mom's thoughtful planning will arouse people's consciousness about nature.
The hummingbird's thoughtfulness undoubtedly helped her own tiny family. Eventually, all her children grew strong enough to set out on their own, maybe taking a lesson from their childhood home when it comes time to build their own nests:
Location is everything.