There are always people in the world who are envious and competitive. Some of them would even be happy to see you failing and suffering. But you can be powerful in knowing your worth and positive qualities that strengthen your character.
The power that knowledge of your self-worth and positive attributes shields you against all negative intentions that other people may hold towards you.
You are a woman who has determined her aspirations and desires, and who has defined a set of goals that will help her make her dreams come true.
Some people may feel threatened and undermined by your ambitions and determination to chase your dreams. They may be scared as if your success will overshadow theirs. But as you age, you tend to become more selective about the people you let and keep in your life. So, your circle will inevitably be getting smaller, and in that process, you will be amazed to see how many people at the end of the day were not particularly happy to see you grow to your utmost potential. But you need not worry as you will experience the remarkable things you are capable of doing alone.
You are an independent woman who is not afraid to face any challenges that may come in her way.
Unlike many women who are raised with a self-defeating attitude, you know what you are capable of accomplishing, and you will allow no one to stand in your way. So, if you have to face the choice between a life with company and a life without company, you would always go for the scenario that secures you a life in which you do what you want, even if this entails being alone. What's best about your attitude is that you don't expect anyone to push you forward, you rely on your own powers and means. You have learned the importance of valuing yourself and acknowledge your capacity for positive change. This helps you grow rapidly. You are self-made.
You are self-reliant and self-sufficient.
You have set your priorities, and you make sure to fulfill them. You work hard and rely on no one to get by. You pay your bills, manage your expenses, and carefully plan your career development. You do not get easily discouraged when things do not go as expected. You are persistent and eager to examine the next plan of action to follow if your previous one failed. You never give up because you are a fighter, and you always survive. Because you are smart, you know fine well that your hard work is an excellent source of moral satisfaction, especially as you grow older and look back to everything you have achieved. Most importantly, you know that the most worthwhile investment of your life is in yourself.