With house prices soaring over recent years and rents in many towns and cities being astronomical it is no wonder that so many people are seeking ways to ease the cost of living. Who needs mortgages when they often already have plenty of other debts by the time they are of the age to even enter the workforce?
The tiny house movement is one such way that people are trying to improve their lives, by establishing homes that do not involve huge sums of money or huge debt repayments. These little homes, in their almost infinite varieties, can often be very impressive.
One couple to take up the tiny home philosophy are Jaimie and Dave of Cowlitz County, Washington State, USA. They have turned two shipping containers into an adorable brand new home.
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After buying a small parcel of land they took the two containers, one 20ft long and one 40ft long, and with the help of those in the know they built the entire place for around 80,000 US dollars. Meaning that they have no overhanging debts for the rest of their lives. Not bad at all! The home is totally functional like any other, meaning it has electricity, heating, plumbing – everything you would ever expect to find in a ‘normal’ house.
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The build in total took around ten-months, with the couple working Monday to Thursday and then house building from Friday to Sunday, although that ten months includes a serious medical incident for Dave who suffered a spontaneous brain haemorrhage, but even that didn’t put them off track and thankfully he is now fully recovered!
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We are sure that you can agree from these photographs and video below that the end result is just terrific. It has a spacious lounge, a fully tricked-out kitchen, a pantry and a bathroom as well as an upstairs bedroom that opens out onto a patio where they can get views of the wonderful Washington State scenery. They have now also built a little workshop linked by a suspension bridge, amazing!
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According to Jaimie the whole process was a valuable lesson, she said:
“I think what this has taught us about ourselves is that we can do things that are really, really hard that, if we do them together, we can definitely accomplish it.”
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Their little home truly is wonderful and we wish them all the best for the future. In years to come in it will not be surprising if many more people take up the tiny-house ideology and start building their own.