We all want to either be a strong woman or have strong woman in our lives. Sometimes though with all the media stereotypes and peer-pressure we lose sight of what this really means. If you were to sit down with a strong woman this is the advice they would give!
1. You are NOT your appearance!
Exterior beauty may be a nice thing, but it is far from being the most important – in fact it is not even close to being the most important! Beauty resonates from the inside and those that do not accept you for how you are not worthy of your time. That of course doesn’t mean becoming unhealthy or neglecting ourselves, it just means that we are defined by that which is inside.
2. Your desires matter
For too many women their needs, desires, wants and ambitions come second to the needs of others. This may be to a partner, to their children, to their family, but just as importantly it may be that they put their own inner desires aside for society. Society can often pressure us to pretend to want things we simply do not - so it is therefore very important to be honest with yourself about what you actually want.
3. Don’t rely on others for happiness
A great relationship is wonderful, as is receiving praise in the workplace or other social setting. All of these things though can be out of your control, no matter how brilliant or smart you are, therefore it is important to develop an inner core of happiness and self-respect that relies only on yourself. This means that your happiness is always guaranteed.
4. Don’t get dragged down with the mob
It is very easy, particularly at school or in some workplaces to be dragged into petty arguments or gossip. Always try to rise above this. Ask yourself, at what time has gossip, back-stabbing or dishonesty actually helped you or anyone around you? Don’t fall to their level, just be polite and move on.
5. Being strong doesn’t mean walking alone
For even the strongest woman there are times where we need help and assistance. As human beings it is part of our core nature to be social creatures and co-operate to achieve outcomes, you are no different. Asking for help, advice, and developing skills through others is a key element of being a smart, mature woman. Staying strong and silent at all times just isn’t sensible.
6. Work with other women – don’t attack them
Us women have got to stick together! It is inevitable that you will come across other women who try to tear you down, embarrass you, get ahead of you unjustly or just gossip behind your back. The secret hear is to stay above it. You must ally yourself with other women who are ambitious, friendly and co-operative. When you find them, work with them and not against them.
7. It is good to say NO! (sometimes)
Saying YES! is fantastic, it is a great affirmation of life and opportunity, however never, ever, feel you can’t say NO! If something is making you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or you just don’t want to do something, just say NO! Never feel you must go along with the crowd or another individual, choosing your own boundaries is perhaps the most definitive element of being a strong independent woman!
8. Have faith
This may truly be the most important advice of all. Life is going to be hard, you are going to fail, you are going to make the wrong moves, you are going to hurt others even if by accident. This applies to everyone, man or woman. They most important thing then and what separates the strong from the weak is the ability to have faith. Have faith that tomorrow will be better, have faith that your day will come, have faith in the future and with a little hard work you will make it!