Are you in a relationship with a girl you think is too sensitive? Or does she seem to get upset about the simplest things or for no reason at all? Or does she have difficulty opening up to you?
What may appear to be just an overreaction on her part it could be that you are not realising just quite how sensitive she is. Sensitive people are often extremely deep and guarded and to make the most of your relationship and truly get to know them you need to first understand them.
Here are ways you can get closer to your partner through understanding their sensitive nature.
1. Realise she is scared of messing up the relationship
People in relationships, even happy relationships and especially at their beginnings, are often scared of saying or doing the wrong thing that will result in the relationship being destroyed. As a result, very sensitive people often say less than what others do. This isn’t being rude, it just takes them time to open up so take this into account if you feel your partner is being stand-offish.
2. Realise sensitive people get hurt easily
What may just seem like jokes, or playful teasing, and what you would not take seriously may be very hurtful to a sensitive girl. Therefore we must be careful in what we say and how we put ourselves across. This also means that little fights that may not be a big issue for you can leave lasting negative memories for your partner. The key is to deactivate and resolve any of these issues quickly.
3. Understand that she may be co-dependent
Sensitive people often get attached to others quickly and as a result form unhealthy or unwise bonds. This is often because sensitive people see frailty in others and wish to heal them, whereas the other individual may only seek to take advantage of them. Ask yourself if you really are a good match for your partner.
4. She has probably been let down before
It is highly likely, and maybe a cause of her sensitivity, that she has been let down by others in the past be that friends or boyfriends. As a result she is fearful of getting too close too soon. This likely also means that she is constantly looking out for things to go wrong as your relationship progresses. You must therefore be there to reassure her and defend the relationship.
5. That loving a really sensitive girl is great!
Yes, the problems of dating a sensitive or guarded girl can be difficult, but sensitivity is one of the foundations of love. Her compassion and sensitivity are worth working for and most certainly worth having in your life. Would you really prefer someone who was cold or an open-book to the world? The greatest advice is to always be there for her, talk to her, and with her great sensitivity she will be there for you too.