Pugs have over the last few years become one of the most sought after breeds of dog. Everyone from celebrities to your next-door neighbour seems to be lapping up these adorable little squashed faced creatures – but we bet you have never seen one like this before!
The aptly named ‘Milkshake’ is a 17-month-old pink-pug. While looking like all other pugs he has incredibly pale blonde hair which shows off his wonderful pink skin underneath – combined with his little twisted tail he almost looks like a piglet, or maybe like a big milkshake!
He is owned by marketing manager Maria, 33, from London who met him when he was just 10 weeks old and knew straight away they were destined to be life partners. She believes that there could be as few as 100 pink-pugs worldwide making little Milkshake very unique indeed!
But don’t get the wrong impression, this isn’t just a little pup living with his owner. He is an internet superstar with over 80,000 followers on his own Instagram account, where Maria posts pictures of both him and her on their daily adventures, which includes going to spa days together, taking part in dog-shows, and attending office meetings at Maria’s work.
Maria stated that he is well known to cheer up people’s days and that many have written to her, “saying they’d had a bad day and seeing Milkshake really cheered them up which encouraged me to post more.”
While some have wondered whether Milkshake is an albino, a condition that affects many animals including humans, causing the pigmentation of the skin and eyes to disappear, this is not the case. It is simply that the little fella’ has very blonde hair and very pink skin – it is just the way he is! Which is great too because albinos quite often have other health conditions including deafness.
We think Milkshake is absolutely fantastic and hope as he gains more followers he continues to brighten up even more people’s days.
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A post shared by 👑💕 Milkshake the Pink Pug 💕👑 (@milkshakethepug) on
A post shared by 👑💕 Milkshake the Pink Pug 💕👑 (@milkshakethepug) on
A post shared by 👑💕 Milkshake the Pink Pug 💕👑 (@milkshakethepug) on
A post shared by 👑💕 Milkshake the Pink Pug 💕👑 (@milkshakethepug) on
A post shared by 👑💕 Milkshake the Pink Pug 💕👑 (@milkshakethepug) on