None of us are perfect, all of us have flaws. That’s normal. What we don’t want to become is a truly toxic person. It is a good idea to keep an eye out though for these six signs that could suggest you are becoming toxic. That’s something nobody wants to be.
You are entirely self-centred
It is normal to keep your own ideals, hopes, dreams and plans at the forefront of your mind. Everyone usually does. However, if you are entirely self-focused and pay absolutely no attention to the hopes, dreams, feelings of others, then this is a very bad sign indeed. Toxic people can only see their own perspective and lose all interest in other people.
You blame others for everything
Toxic people never accept responsibility for their own actions or for their own behaviours. If you are becoming toxic you will increasingly find fault in others for things you have failed at, which will also make it more likely that you will repeat the same mistakes again - because without self-reflection you are unable to correct your faults.
You moan incessantly
In part, the constant moaning of a toxic individual is due to the fact that they blame their failings on everyone else. The other part of this moaning is that they subconsciously bring others down so that they feel as bad as they do. This really is unhealthy behaviour.
You are a drama queen
If you act like the tiniest thing is the end of the world or get overly emotional about everything you may be a drama queen. That goes for males and females! Toxic people are unable to put things into perspective and their overly emotional response means that they can’t see the true nature of any issues they are dealing with. Sadly, being a drama queen can also be a sign that they wish attention which their fragile egos crave more than anything.
You gossip about others
Toxic people constantly gossip about others and more usually what they are gossiping about is the negative aspects of others. You will rarely find a toxic person gossiping about how good someone else is. The reason they gossip so much is because they feel they need to bring others down or bring attention to the flaws of others in order to make themselves feel good.
You can no longer recognise yourself as the person you once were
Often very toxic people will feel that they have got themselves into such a poor mental state over time that the person they once knew as ‘themselves’ can no longer be found. Be aware though that this sort of feeling is common in mental health conditions of non-toxic people as well. A toxic person may have started out good but has let themselves down so much they have eroded their very identity.
If you feel that you are becoming toxic or have already become a toxic person do not worry. We all go down bad paths at some point in our lives. It’s nothing to be overly ashamed about. The important thing is you have noticed, and you are a good person, and as a good person you can move away from these toxic behaviours and towards a happier future.