We all want to have healthier relationships, they are better for ourselves and for others. However many of us fall at the first hurdle and end up sabotaging our relationships by not coming equipped with the right mindset.
Here are 7 ways in which you can achieve healthier relationships – and hopefully, a happier life!
Keep a good self-image
This is perhaps the most important rule to building a healthy relationship. After all, how can we view others properly if we can’t view ourselves properly?
So focus on what makes you a good person but do note your bad points, which we all have, and try to improve on them, just don’t beat yourself up about them or hate on yourself for past mistakes.
Treat your mind and body well
If you treat yourself badly others will subconsciously think that you may treat them badly. You deserve as much positive vibes as anyone else so eat well, stay fit and don’t pollute your mind with negative language. Accept difficulties and push forward or else you will fall further into the dark.
Let go of past hurts and past mistakes
We all have baggage. It is what comes with living life. So we will all have regrets, upsets, things we wish never happened – but what you must not do is let that baggage weigh you down. If we do this we can never reach our potential going forward. What is done is done and having regrets makes you normal but it must be left behind.
Forget appearances
Everyone has good and bad points, some beautiful on the outside are ugly inside, but no person who is beautiful inside is ugly outside. If you base relationships based on looks or your self-worth based on how others see you it will guarantee an unfulfilled life.
That doesn’t mean neglecting our health or losing our self-respect – it just means understanding that people are complex and not defined by their outside presence.
If you want a nice relationship date genuinely nice people
Many of us may be attracted to people we pretend to ourselves are nice. It may be so obvious but dating bad people will lead to having a bad time. Do not under any circumstances, be fooled by someone who is ‘nice’ to you but who you see be bad to others – it means they are not actually nice.
No relationship is good without fun – so make it a priority
Having a great relationship means having fun. If it is all drama or intensity then this will become tiring very quickly. Focus on joy and a great relationship which – if two people are compatible – will happen naturally.
Stop analysing everything
If you are constantly worrying about what you say or what someone thinks, or if you are trying to interpret everything and find hidden meanings behind things you will never relax, never have fun and never have a decent relationship. Going with the flow is a perfectly sensible way to build a relationship – this doesn’t mean keeping your eyes shut, it just means not being neurotic.
Relationships are wonderful but please remember, the most important one you have is with yourself – fix that first and the rest will follow.