Compliments, especially honest ones, are wonderful to give and receive. Does it not make you feel honoured to know someone appreciates you? While it is never good to lie and give a false compliment, a well placed one can really change someone’s day. Here are 7 great compliment ideas to pay someone you are glad to have in your life.
1. "You are beautiful both inside and out!"
A compliment on someone's physical appearance can always offer a significant confidence boost! However, acknowledging that the other person is beautiful in virtue of their character, is a meaningful way to offer them satisfaction in that you express your appreciation of their unique personality qualities and virtues.
2. "You are a very trustworthy person."
Telling someone that you believe they are trustworthy is one of the nicest things you can say. Trusting someone really is the basis of any important relationship, be that friendship or romance, and so conferring that you trust someone shows that you truly value the relationship.
3. "You make me smile."
Letting someone know that they have the capacity to lift your spirits and make you smile even when your mood is low, is one of the most amazing feelings you can give them! Knowing they can have a positive effect on someone else's psychological well-being, even when things are rough, is one of the greatest moral satisfactions they can experience!
4. "You are genuinely good."
While we all have faults and make mistakes, telling someone they are a truly good person shows that you appreciate them at a deeper level. Sure, there are plenty of people who do good acts, but many do so out of obligation or self-interest. Saying someone is ‘truly good’ means something more and they will really appreciate it.
5. "You have always been there for me!"
Saying this has two purposes. One, it shows that you value their presence, advice and assistance, and two, it shows that you are grateful for all the things they have previously helped you with. Sometimes people don’t realise that you have consciously noted their help and remembered it long into the future – they really will appreciate knowing that you have kept these moments in your mind and heart.
6. "You are so talented/ good/ smart because..."
It is easy to tell someone they are good, smart, talented etc. But it means far much more if you actually tell them WHY you think this way. It also shows the person that you are present and actually notice their abilities and take an interest in their qualities.
7. "I don’t know anyone else like you!"
This really is an amazing compliment. Again, you have to say why you don’t know anyone else like them. This shows that you value their uniqueness and what sets them apart from the crowd. We all like to feel special after all.
8. "I am grateful that you are in my life."
This one is self-explanatory. Telling a person that you are glad they are in your life is one of the kindest things you can ever say.
Please remember to use compliments sparingly. Using them too often will mean that they lose their power. Also, only pass a compliment if you truly mean it. To give a false compliment is a sign that you are lacking self-respect. Who wishes to receive a false compliment anyway? But seriously, if someone in your life makes you feel great, let them know, pay them a compliment!