Friendships are weird. We meet someone and then they somehow become our best friend. We don’t meet people and think to ourselves ‘let’s make this person my best friend’. That would just be weird. It happens naturally. Usually it is because we share traits with our friends and get on so well with them. But there are also other traits by which we can define a truly great friend. Here are 6 really important ones!
1. They accept you for who you are
Great friends don’t try to change you or think you would be better if you were different. They accept your good points and your bad points and love them both the same because they know without all those features you wouldn’t be you!
2. They stand by you through thick and thin
When the going gets tough fair-weather friends will leave you hanging. A truly great friend is going to be by your side come, hail, rain or sunshine. They know life is full of challenges and will be there to help you overcome them. They share in your triumphs and defeats.
3. You can be yourself around them
You don’t have to put on an act around a great friend, pretend to be super-cool or make your worldview the same as theirs. Great friends appreciate you and what you stand for. No true deep friendship, or any other relationship for that matter, can be built on anything else other than honesty about our identities.
4. They always tell you the truth
A good friend will tell you if they disagree with you, or if they think something isn’t right for you then they will let you know. This means everything, from deep matters to whether a pair of jeans really make your ass look good.
5. They don’t turn against you, even when others do
Sometimes we can have detractors and opponents in life. Sometimes it can seem like many are ganging up on you all at once. A true friend never joins the mob but will stick by your side.
6. They don’t badmouth you
Behind your back a good friend will never badmouth you or gossip about you. Instead they will always defend your honour. They might not always agree with you, or like what you do, but they will say it to your face and most certainly not to other people.
Friendship makes the world go around, and if you have a friend that does all these things for you, make sure you do the same for them! Be the great friend you wish to have in your life.