The excitement of love in youth is one thing. Love is exciting, frantic and new. But love can also be damaged by immaturity, insecurity, apprehension and distrust. Sometimes our greatest loves come later in life and only after they have dismissed all the craziness of youth. So how do you love an old soul and what are they really like?
Remember, old souls aren't necessarily determined by their age, young people can have old souls, and sometimes older people have learned nothing in all their years. These are 6 ways to identify an old soul, and why they are so wonderful to be around:
1. Old souls aren't impressed by material things
Old souls don't care about how much money you earn, or if you have fancy possessions. They don't care about fancy holidays or dining in fancy restaurants – or maybe they do! They certainly don't though base their love or their relationships on these things.
2. They have seen things all before
Whereas the young are experiencing relationships and love for the first time, old souls have seen it all before. They know how to handle the ups and downs of life and relationships and can sail those rough seas smoothly.
3. They don't need to be impressed
Old souls care about the person and what they are really like deep down, they don't care about what character they play. Such trivial attempts to be someone you are not can only last so long anyway, the true person is always eventually revealed.
4. Old souls face good times and bad times stoically
Experience has given old souls a stoic nature that means they won't overreact to defeat or hardship but be able to ride out any difficulties they face, or that they face alongside you. It also means that while they will enjoy the good times, they won't be devastated when they come to an end. The view ups and downs as the cycle of life.
5. Old souls can teach you that which you never knew
For some people time brings knowledge. Old souls will happily impart this knowledge to you in time. It is true what they say, many of the most important things in life they can ever learn can only come through experience, not through school or books.
6. Old souls know how to communicate at a deeper level
There will be no mistaking what an old soul really means, they will tell you. In youth and love, there are many harsh words, uncertainties and often a lack of communication, often born out of uncertainty and passion. An old soul will always be transparent and deeply honest with you.
Are you an old soul, or do you know someone who might be? If you fit these criteria, maybe you are!