Many people across the world are waking up to injustice. Poverty, instability, racism, environmental destruction and destruction of native lands are just some of the things we are now facing up to. Far too many people still have their heads stuck in the sand, refusing to see the need for change or just wanting to be left alone to do their own thing, no matter how damaging a situation and how many innocent people are suffering. There are those of us, though, with our eyes open, we see that the system has to change. If you are a radical and free thinker, you likely have these four distinct traits.
You don’t believe everything in the media
That’s right. This doesn’t mean you are some conspiracy nut that thinks everything is a huge con and that the illuminati are secretly running the world. It does mean though that you have a sceptical eye on the media and you understand that the media are run by corporate powers that have a vested interest in maintaining the system as it is.
You know that change can’t wait
You realise that with global warming, millions starving and political chaos we can’t just wait out and hope that it will all get magically better, you know that change has to happen now and is a moral imperative. Now is not the time to wait.
You have an open mind to solutions
You are not stuck in the rut of thinking that just because something has always happened a certain way that it should therefore always continue to be done that way. You realise that societies through history have always changed, developed and that people’s beliefs, attitudes and ways of living have also changed. You realise that this means that the future can be changed too – and for the better!
You are prepared to play your part
No matter how small your contribution you are prepared to stand up and make your voice heard, you know that hope alone won’t bring change. Whether that is posting something on Facebook, signing a petition or volunteering for a local project, absolutely every little input to a better world is just as important as any other.
Do you have these traits? If so, you are likely to be a force for good in this world, if not, it is never too late to change and claim a better world for us all!