Getting married is one of the biggest decisions you will ever have to make and not one that should be taken lightly. So how do we know if we have met the right person? What qualities should they have that indicate they will be a fantastic partner going forward?
1. They love children
Before you get married, this is something that you must definitely agree with on your partner, whether you both wish to have children. While not every couple wants to have children, if you are not on the same page with them on this, then you are in for big trouble.
Even if neither of you want children, having a partner that gets on well with them is a really good sign about what type of person they are. Someone who is kind, caring, generous and fun.
2.They are mature
Life shouldn’t be all serious, but at the same time it is important to have a partner who is capable of making sensible mature decisions. This sort of person provides stability in a marriage and will help you overcome difficulties in a calm and considerate manner. No one wants to be married to a clown or a child.
3. They make time for you
No matter how busy life is a good partner always makes time for the most important person in their life. While we all get bogged down in work and may even have to spend long periods of time away from our partners, they should never play a secondary role to things like friends, hobbies or personal interests.
4. They care about your health and your choices
A truly loving partner will always care if you are doing something or acting in a way that can harm your physical or mental health. They won’t find it fun if you are taking drugs or drinking too much, even if they like doing those things themselves. If you are hurting, they should be deeply concerned.
5. They care about the path your life is taking
They should care about what your dreams and ambitions are and care about how you intend to achieve them. If you are falling behind or getting stuck in a rut, they should be worried and giving you help and encouragement to get back on track.
6. They have flaws that you either love, or you at least tolerate
Everyone has flaws. Even you! But if you know your partner has flaws and even after some time those flaws don’t really bother you then this is a very good sign that they are the person for you!
These are all qualities that indicate that you would be very lucky to marry such a person. Of course, none are as important as actually being in love with them. What is important to remember though, is that if you are looking for these qualities in a partner, you should also have these qualities yourself. Marriage isn’t a one way street!