A sickening practice in the cosmetics industry has been uncovered by animal rights activists. They have revealed that mink are being used to create fake eyelashes, which are then sold onto consumers that are almost always entirely unaware of the origins of the eyelashes, or the cruelty involved in creating them.
Fake-eyelashes are unbelievably popular and are worn by tens of millions of women throughout the world, but many are being produced through this barbaric practice. Many of the brands even have labels on them marking them 'cruelty-free', something that appears to be entirely untrue based on the evidence that has been discovered.
People For The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), who led the investigation, have said that the mink are kept in tiny cages which in no way mimic their natural environment. Minks, being territorial, do not like being around other mink and so keeping them in cages en-masse is psychological torture for the poor creatures. They barely have any space to move and often get their skin and feet trapped in the cage wire, leading to horrific injuries.
PETA said in a statement:
"Mink farms are designed to maximize profits, and farmers often have little regard for the animals' well-being, as PETA's investigations have repeatedly shown. Animals on fur farms are plagued by fear, stress, disease, parasites, and other physical and psychological hardships on a daily basis—all so that companies like Sephora can sell mink false eyelashes."
To make matters worse, the European mink is regarded as critically endangered, and its numbers in the wild have plummeted as a result of hunting and as a result of habitat erosion. In many cases, mink are bred on farms simply so they can be killed for their fur, something that campaigners have attempted to outlaw. Many countries have indeed made such activity illegal.
It is therefore essential that if you wish to keep wearing fake-eyelashes, and wish to stop the suffering of mink, that you only purchase synthetic eyelashes and refuse to touch those created via cruelty.