A 2-year-old girl was taught how to self-soothe after being hurt using positive affirmation. The incident was caught on a video, that has now unfortunately been deleted, after 2-year-old Brilee hurt her fingers in a door. In order to stop being so upset, her mother had her repeat a few phrases that instantly calmed her down.

Shelbee Haderer of McCloud, Oklahoma, had little Brilee complete the phrase:
"I’m okay. I’m strong. I’m beautiful. I’m loved. I’m worthy."

The little one instantly becomes more calm after repeating the phrase, and stops crying. This technique, known as self-soothing, is a way to use positive affirmation to overcome difficulties and obstacles and can be used by both adults and children. Whether a 2-year-old is able to understand these complex emotional states and whether the phrases are simply working as a means of distraction from a painful incident is unclear, what is certain is that it works.

All of us could perhaps take a leaf out of Brilee’s book and teach ourselves some self-soothing techniques to help us overcome the difficulties life sometimes throws at us.