We all have bad days, days when things just don’t seem to right at all from the moment we get up. We lock ourselves out of the car, forget our bag on the train and spill coffee all over our computer at work. But disasterous situations where things go wrong don’t just happen to humans.
Animals, as shown by these hilarious photographs, can also have days when disaster strikes. You wouldn’t think much could go wrong in the life of a pampered pooch or in the life of a squirrel whose main goal of the day is to collect a few nuts, but they sure can.
So grab a comfy seat and sit back and bear witness to the incredible mishaps that these furry friends have got themselves into. We guarantee you won’t be able to keep a straight face!
Sarah (dog) stole a bite of Stella's food and Stella came running to me in the kitchen to literally bitch about it 🤣 🤣 from r/funny
my dog ran away, after hours of looking I came home to this... from r/funny
My buddy's dog saw a moose from r/funny
I had to cut down a tree in my yard and now I feel bad from r/funny
So this happened (yes, I rescued it) from r/pics
A memorial for the squirrel that ate through a wire that canceled classes for two days. It was paid for by the undergrad class. (from FB) from r/funny
I think my dog just died a little bit on the inside when I didn't give her the last bite of my burger. from r/funny
Somehow our dog opened the upstairs screen door and ended up following our cat onto the roof. He required consoling before coming back inside.
My pitbull always thought he was the biggest dog at the dog park. from r/funny
Do you think this is funny? from r/AnimalsBeingDerps
We actually had to help him down.. Idiot from r/funny
I think a squirrel fell off my roof.. from r/funny
A friend left her dog at home and came back to this. Oreo apparently found a bag of charcoal and played with it. from r/funny
This is why you shouldn't leave your kids alone with the dog
Not sure where should I post it. [x-post from /r/WTF]
This is my cat after trying to run out the door..... Into a wall of snow. from r/aww
My dog managed to get into a pack of frozen fish fillets and he would've gotten away with it if he didn't get stuck and had to come to me for help from r/AnimalsBeingDerps
My husband and I can officially check "pull a balloon string out of a cat's asshole at 11:30 at night" off our bucket list. FINALLY from r/funny
When you love the smell of bacon but get a little too close to the frying pan on the stove... from r/Wellthatsucks
This fat fool had to be rescued by animal control from r/funny
My friends cat got it's head stuck in a vase, freaked out, broke the vase, and was left with this.
Her bowl is in the dishwasher. from r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog
Is this what people mean when they say their dog is broken? Asking for a friend. from r/aww
My friend's cat had surgery and now he has no pants
My Dauschund puppy got stuck in the couch cushions from r/aww
Dad took our dog Archie for a walk. When they got back Dad went to eat breakfast. He came back outside afterwards to see Archie was “stuck”. His back foot was on the lead so it strained when he walked forward. So he was “trapped”. Dad lifted his back foot and saved him. from r/funny
My dog's facial expressions when I didn't turn towards the dog park. from r/funny
— dylan (@dylan_smith58) March 8, 2016
Bought a couch from Craigslist, heard noises coming from it after bringing it home. Cut it open and found a cat from r/funny
So my bird was stuck in my bathroom...
Smile and wave boys from r/AnimalsBeingJerks
Just thought I’d check in on the dogs from r/funny
I kicked over my cats milk and had no replacement. He sat opposite me as I ate my dinner looking at me like this. from r/funny
I came in to find my tortoise like this. Putting the clues together, it seems he pooped, got it stuck on his foot, ran in circles trying to get it off, and flipped over. Good job buddy. from r/Wellthatsucks
My dog is an idiot
"There might have been some miscalculations in my plan" -Dog from r/funny
My friends dog is not happy about leaving the dog park early! from r/funny
Our cat steals and hoards bottle caps. Found his stash while cleaning...
Mistakes were made. The dog got into the weed cookies. Money was spent. Doggo is fine. Owner feels dumb. from r/Wellthatsucks
My friend took her cat to get fixed and his face shows exactly his thoughts about it from r/funny
Just another day in Montana. Cat chasing a bear out of the backyard. from r/pics
My friend's dog ate a bee from r/funny
Goat seeking trampoline from r/AnimalsBeingDerps
I had to lock her in the dog crate because she was going to break something in the house from being over hyper. I think she hit her breaking point. from r/funny