The lawyer for Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old charged with the murder of two Black Lives Matter protesters has said that he was acting in self-defense.
Last week at a demonstration in Kenosha, Wisconsin, two separate incidents were recorded on camera of Rittenhouse killing protesters. The first incident showed him firing his AR-15 at a protester and hitting him in the head, killing him. The second incident showed Rittenhouse being chased down the street by a group of protesters. He falls to the ground while running away and then is hit with a skateboard. One of the group chasing him, who was shot in the arm but survived, can be seen to be holding a handgun, another protester is hit in the chest and falls to the ground. He too was later pronounced dead.
His lawyer, Lin Wood, said on twitter:
"Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. Murder charges are factually unsupportable. An egregious miscarriage of justice is occurring with respect to this 17-year old boy. I love truth & justice. I deplore lies & injustice. Had those feelings ALL my life."
“Video eye” does not lie. Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense. Murder charges are factually unsupportable. An egregious miscarriage of justice is occurring with respect to this 17-year old boy. I love truth & justice. I deplore lies & injustice. Had those feelings ALL my life.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) August 28, 2020
Wood's twitter account contains a vast amount of conservative and conspiratorial content and a growing rage against Black Lives Matter protesters which he claims are Marxists, socialists and anarchists.
In others tweet he endorses conspiracy theories about George Soros and Bill Gates, saying:
"State & local officials on Soros PAC-payroll are not going to protect citizens. Federal law enforcement must start arresting organizers & funders of this anarchy as soon as identified. How many more cities must burn? How many more citizens must be threatened? Enough is enough."
State & local officials on Soros PAC-payroll are not going to protect citizens. Federal law enforcement must start arresting organizers & funders of this anarchy as soon as identified.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) August 30, 2020
How many more cities must burn? How many more citizens must be threatened?
Enough is enough.
"Read this thread. Connect the dots. Adbusters + Soros + Gates = Revolution. If my math is wrong, let me know."
Read this thread. Connect the dots. Adbusters + Soros + Gates = Revolution. If my math is wrong, let me know.#FightBack https://t.co/Z5M3u6KTbn
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) August 29, 2020
Adding in another tweet that God is going to show himself in the next 3 months:
"In next 3 months, people will realize that God is real & only He can save us. His will SHALL be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. We ALL have a purpose. When fulfilled, we are doing His will. It will be difficult 3 months. Good will prevail. God only acts for Good."
In next 3 months, people will realize that God is real & only He can save us. His will SHALL be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. We ALL have a purpose. When fulfilled, we are doing His will.
— Lin Wood (@LLinWood) August 29, 2020
It will be difficult 3 months. Good will prevail. God only acts for Good.#FightBack
The tweets have led some to question the mental stability of Lin Wood and whether they are capable of giving a proper defense to someone on trial for murder. If convicted, Rittenhouse could spend the rest of his life behind bars.