Photo: Osama bin Laden and his niece Noor bin Ladin, AFP/Getty Images
Osama Bin Laden's niece has said that only a Donald Trump victory in the upcoming presidential elections will decrease the chances of a 9/11 style attack happening again on US soil. Noor Bin Ladin (who spells the name differently to that of her infamous uncle) gave the interview to the New York Post, in which she outlined the reasons for her belief in a safer America under the incumbent president.
She also revealed that she has been a long-term supporter of Trump and states that he is a bastion in the defence of Western civilisation.
She said:
"ISIS proliferated under the Obama/Biden administration, leading to them coming to Europe. Trump has shown he protects America and us by extension from foreign threats by obliterating terrorists at the root and before they get a chance to strike. I have been a supporter of President Trump since he announced he was running in the early days in 2015. I have watched from afar and I admire this man's resolve. He must be re-elected … It's vital for the future of not only America, but Western civilization as a whole. You look at all the terrorist attacks that have happened in Europe over the past 19 years. They have completely shaken us to the core … [Radical Islam] has completely infiltrated our society. In the US it's very worrying that the left has aligned itself completely with the people who share that ideology."
Noor Bin Laden was photographed for the interview wearing a Make America Great Again cap and even spoke of how she was harassed for wearing it on previous occasions. She recounted:
"I am minding my own business and this woman in her late 50s charges toward me and starts speaking very loudly and aggressively to me. She's yelling at me and saying how can I be wearing this and Trump is the worst president ever and she's basically dumping on my beloved president … She told me three times, 'You're stupid.' I kept my cool, and needless to say I kept my hat!"
She then laid into left-wing political figures, including Rep. Ilhan Omar who she blasted for refusing to stand up to radical Islam. She said:
"You do have a situation now in America where you have people like Ilhan Omar who actively hate your country. It's an honor to be able to go and live in the United States and make the most out of all the opportunities. If she hates it so much, why doesn't she leave."
Noor is the daughter of Swiss author Carmen Dufour and Osama Bin Laden's elder half-brother Yeslam. She has visited and lived in the United States over the years and travelled the country on a road-trip as a child. Her mother, Carmen Bin Laden, wrote a book entitled 'My Life In The Bin Laden family' shortly after the 9/11 attacks, when Noor was 14 years old.