Billionaire media mogul, and former Democratic primary presidential candidate, Michael Bloomberg, has donated $100 million to the Joe Biden campaign in Florida. The donation comes less than 2 months before the presidential election where Biden will face off against incumbent Donald Trump. Due to the very high number of postal votes being cast, because of the ongoing pandemic, voting will start as early as 24th of September in some places.
Florida is a crucial state as it has the third most electoral college votes, behind both California and Texas. However, Texas and California are deemed fairly safe for the Republicans and Democrats respectively, though some suggest on an extremely good day Biden could seize Texas, all but guaranteeing him the presidency. Florida, on the other hand, is traditionally a swing state that could go to either Biden or Trump and, therefore, much of the presidential campaign will be focused there.
It was famously in Florida in 2000 where George W. Bush narrowly beat Al Gore among highly contested electoral and legal proceedings. Bush won by 537 votes, a lead of just 0.009%. While Obama took Florida in 2012 it went to Trump in 2016.
Bloomberg has already spent $1 billion towards the Biden campaign, showing the sheer power of money in the US electoral system.
Trump reacted online to news of the huge donation saying:
"I thought Mini Mike was through with Democrat politics. Save NYC instead."
I thought Mini Mike was through with Democrat politics after spending almost 2 Billion Dollars, and then giving the worst and most inept Debate Performance in the history of Presidential Politics. Pocahontas ended his political career on first question, OVER! Save NYC instead. https://t.co/WgbVvEUt2N
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 13, 2020
While current polling puts Biden considerably ahead of Trump, the swing states are a much more close run affair, with polls narrowing in Florida in favour of Trump over the last few days. It must be remembered that Clinton beat Trump in the popular vote in 2016 but lost due to the Electoral College system. In the last 32 years the popular vote has gone Republican on only one occasion, with George W. Bush securing a majority in 2004. Despite this Republicans, via the Electoral College, have secured the presidency in 2000, 2004 and 2016. It is not unimaginable that they will do so again in 2020.
Bloomberg spoke out in favour of Biden at this year's virtual Democratic Convention despite Biden beating him in the primary race.
Amidst all the chaos and uncertainty facing the United States, including the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression, the ongoing pandemic, and widespread social chaos, this will be the most important election in a generation. It is not expected that neither the pandemic, nor the social unrest engulfing the US, is likely to fade by the time the last ballot is cast.