Millions upon millions of us love watching videos online of cute animals and baby creatures, but scientists have now discovered that such viewing habits are also good for your health.
Scientists in England have revealed findings from a study in which participants had their stress levels measured before and after watching a 30-minute slide show of cute and adorable creatures such as ducklings and kittens.
At the University of Leeds, the 19 participants were asked about their stress levels at work after watching the slideshow and their vital signs such as heart rate and blood pressure were also measured. Amazingly, after watching the slideshow, the participants reported lower levels of stress and a lower heart-rate and blood pressure.
Average blood pressure dropped from 136/88 to 115/71 and reported anxiety was said to have fallen by over 50%.
A low steady heart-rate and lower blood pressure are generally regarded as indicating good overall health, while high blood pressure and a fast heart-rate are generally regarded as being long-term health dangers leading to a lower life expectancy. Therefore, looking at pictures or videos of cute animals could literally increase your life span if frequently repeated.
Dr. Andrea Utley, who ran the study, also believes that being around animals will have an even stronger effect than seeing pictures of videos of them. She said:
"It would appear that images appeal but video clips are more meaningful, and I would therefore expect that physical closeness [with animals] would be even better."
Previous studies have also shown that pet-ownership leads to a longer life-expectancy and lower the risk for heart-disease and stroke. In fact, having a cat or dog can result in an individual being expected to live a number of years longer than non-pet owners.
So why not head to YouTube right now and get watching! Or even better, if you have a cat, dog or other pet, go and give them a cuddle.