Photo: Reuters
In a truly unhinged speech, even by Donald Trump's standards, the President stated that he wished to walk into the crowd and kiss all the men and the beautiful women, while making bizarre unsubstantiated claims about his presidential rival Joe Biden.
Held in the battleground state of Florida, the mass meeting was the first such public outing for Trump since his diagnosis with CoVid-19, which he now appears to have recovered from, despite being hospitalised. He received several experimental drugs during his stay and appeared to be in fairly good health while making his speech which lasted over an hour.
However, media commentators remarked at how very few of the thousands that crammed together inside the arena were wearing masks.
Trump then boasted of his success in defeating the virus and how he was now 'immune', a fact not backed up by any definitive science. He yelled:
"They say I'm immune – I feel so powerful. I'll walk in there and kiss everyone. I'll kiss the guys and the beautiful women. I'll give you a big, fat kiss."
Then going on a rant about Joe Biden he strung together various falsehoods and accusations without any substantive evidence, stating that the Democrats would turn the USA into:
"Communist Cuba" or "Socialist Venezuela."
He added:
"We're proud of our country, and proud of our heritage. Biden was a big lover of Castro, you know that, right? Biden would annihilate Florida's economy with a … draconian lockdown."
Bizarrely he also began to claim that Biden had also become infected with CoVid-19 saying:
"So Biden is coughing and hacking and playing 'fingers' with his mask, all over the place, and the Fake News doesn't want to even think about discussing it. 'Journalism' has reached the all time low in history. Sadly, Lamestream knows this and doesn't even care!"
The President then went on to do a dance to the Village People's 'Y-M-C-A' and left the stage. Biden still holds a commanding lead in the polls and Trump has a lot of ground to make up if he is to gain a second term as President. That said, anything could happen in the three weeks until polling day.