A heart-warming video showing a little dog who had been missing for months finally reunited with their owner has taken the internet by storm. So happy was the little dog that he let out a cry as he recognised his owner from across a parking lot.
Little Coco, belonging to Rustico Samson Jr., lives in the Philippines and went missing for a whole 3 months, though Rustico and his family never gave up hope of finding him again.
Rustico told the story to The Dodo, in which he recounted losing Coco and then finding him again. He said:
"I searched every corner. I even cried as I searched. There was so much sorrow, so much pain. Coco is more than a pet. He's family."
He then told of how he and his friends scoured the whole neighbourhood and surrounding areas describing the dog and telling anyone he met about missing Coco.
After three months passed Rustico got a call telling him that a dog matching Coco's description was in a parking lot nearby, he rushed to the scene. To his amazement, there was Coco, skinny, dirty and worse-for-wear but in otherwise good health. As soon as Coco saw Rustico, he darted towards him letting out a little cry of happiness.
Rustico couldn't hide his happiness, saying:
"Right at that moment, when I saw a dog lying on the floor of that parking garage, I knew it was him. I was a thousand times sure that it was Coco. I was overwhelmed. I was so happy. I think Coco felt the same way at that moment. You could hear him crying like a baby."
Coco is now at home again living his best life, Rustico added:
"The house is full of positive auras again. Good vibes are back. When it comes to having a pet, it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, as long as you have heart and love to them like family. When someone in your family is lost, you never give up."