The story of a blind-seal and a fisherman who have maintained a friendship for over 10-years has taken the internet by storm. The pair first met in 2010 when the seal was just a pup and 'Shauna' has followed fisherman Nicholas's boat everyday since, poking her head up for food and for cuddles.
Nicholas Lewis, who is a 41-year-old crab and lobster fisherman working off the Isle of Man, England, says he now thinks of Shauna as his own child and looks forward to seeing her on his trips out to sea. He often treats her with gifts of mackerel that they bring onto one of his three boats.
"When she was just a little pup she'd appear and we'd always feed her and she became so confident and comfortable around us. I don't think we'd go a single morning without her coming to say hello. She used to come up the steps to wait for us knowing that we'd be there in the morning. It was a bit startling at first seeing a seal waiting for you like you had an appointment. I love seeing her by my boat—she's fascinating."
As time has passed, it has become clear that Shauna's sight has been fading and that she is now likely almost completely blind. It does not however seem to have stopped her hunting for her own food or knowing when the boats are near, and she still even pokes her head out of the water to say hello to Nicholas on his journeys.
Seals are well known for their sociability both with humans and animals. Countless videos have been shared off them palling around and playing with both people and dogs. Animal experts regard them as highly intelligent creatures who are capable of creating deep bonds with each other and with their human counter-parts. It is hoped that despite her disability Shauna's and Nicholas's friendship lasts long into the future.