There are a whole lot of different opinions when it comes to Unidentified Flying Objects, UFOs, with many believing sightings to be real but explained by natural non-alien phenomena, and then there are others who are adamant that advanced civilisations really are visiting Earth from far-flung parts of space. One sighting though, can now be certifiably resolved.
Speaking to the Graham Norton television show, British astronaut Major Tim Peake spoke of how he thought he had seen three unidentified flying objects while aboard the International Space Station.
While initially perplexed and in awe at the unknown objects, Major Peake then realised that the 'far-away' objects were actually tiny water droplets very close to the space-station's window. In fact, the droplets were being leaked out of a Russian probe and were almost certainly urine that was freezing as it entered space. Mystery solved!
He said to laughter from the television host:
"We were perplexed, until we realised that what we thought were the far away lights of alien spaceships were actually very close small droplets. What was happening was liquid leaking out of a Russian probe vehicle, crystallising instantly and reflecting the light. What we were seeing was Russian urine."
Major Peake then went on to discuss his life as an astronaut and his desire to go back to the International Space Station in the near future. He also spoke of the anxiety he had before undertaking that very first mission. He said:
"There is always a thought at the back of my mind that I am rolling the dice, but the overriding feeling is of adrenalin-fuelled excitement. I'd love to [go back], absolutely. In fact, we are all slated for a second mission between now and 2024. I'm waiting by the phone."
Of course, this doesn't mean that all UFO sightings can be explained away as bits of frozen liquid floating in space. Only this year, the US Air Force and the Pentagon released videos captured by air-force pilots from both 2004 and 2015 that showed objects flying through space that could not be identified. This included objects travelling at speeds completely unmatched by any known man-made technology.
The Pentagon said at the time:
"After a thorough review, the department has determined that the authorised release of these unclassified videos does not reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems, and does not impinge on any subsequent investigations of military air space incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena."
The sightings remain unexplained and some representatives in the US Senate have called for further investigations to be carried out into this and other UFO sightings.